

  • now
    Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics
    Stanford University, Stanford, California
    • Advised by Prof. Serena Yeung
    • Convex Optimization (EE364A), Deep Learning for Computer Vision (CS231n), Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (CS224n), Applied Multivariate Statistics, Representations and Algorithms for Computational Molecular Biology, Statistical Inference, Data Science for Medicine
  • 2020
    B.S. in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics
    University of Denver, Denver, Colorado
    • Dean's List (GPA 3.95/4)
    • Partial Differential Equations, Advanced Linear Algebra, Calculus of Several Variables, Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Graph Theory, Uncertainty and Error Analysis, Numerical and Computational Methods in Physics, Analytical Mechanics, Quantum Physics

Academic Experience

  • 2021-2022
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    Stanford University
    Representations and Algorithms for Computational Molecular Biology
    • TA for an advanced course in computational methods for molecular biology. Topics ranged from algorithms for biological sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree creation, hidden Markov models, protein structure prediction, protein energetics, chemoinformatics, pharmacogenomics, and applications of classical machine learning methods for biomolecular data.
    • Held office hours and graded assignments for a class of over 100 students.
  • 2019
    Recitation Instructor
    University of Denver
    Discrete Structures
    • Instructed in course material ranging from topics in bit-wise operations, counting, combinatorics, probability, and set logic.
    • Lead one-hour recitation sessions for approximately 10 students once per week.
  • 2018
    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
    University of Denver
    NoSQL Databases for Big Data
    • TA for summer introductory course in NoSQL databases with topics ranging from writing queries for non-relational databases to exploring different types of database models like graphical (Neo4j) and document-based (MongoDB).
    • Graded assignments for class of over 20 students.
  • 2017-2019
    Recitation Instructor
    University of Denver
    Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Instructed and reinforced topics discussed in lecture and explained course material including implementations of various graph algorithms, algorithm runtime complexities, sorting and string-matching algorithms, tree representations, and various algorithm design paradigms.
    • Lead one-hour recitation sessions for approximately 15 students twice per week.


  • 2023
    Apple PhD Fellowship in AI/ML Nominee
    Stanford University
  • 2020
    William K. Bowes Jr. Fellow, Stanford Graduate Fellowship
    Stanford University
  • 2020
    University of Denver Distinction in Computer Science
    University of Denver
  • 2019
    Hornbeck Scholar
    University of Denver

Professional Services

  • {"Conference Reviewer"=>"MLHC (2022-2024), DEMI@ MICCAI (2024)"}

Volunteer Experience

  • 2020
    Academic Fellow
    Stanford ADVANCE Summer Institute
    • Course in R programming language for statistical learning.
    • Engaged in weekly journal clubs and workshops for navigating graduate school and research.
  • 2019-2020
    Black Student Alliance @ DU
    • Served as treasurer co-managing a budget of over 8000 USD for an organization dedicated to providing a space for discussions and workshops in topics relevant to the African-American community.
    • Participated in financial officer meetings with representatives from other affinity groups to approve funding for various on-campus events and programs.
  • 2017-2020
    Peer Leader
    Equity in STEM Program @ DU
    • Served as a mentor and leader for the E-STEM program, advising and assisting a group of incoming 1st year college students from minority backgrounds and historically underrepresented groups in STEM fields.
    • Helped plan and run orientation weeks for E-STEM participants.
  • 2017-2020
    Planning Committee Leader and Facilitator
    Black Male Initiative Summit @ DU
    • Facilitated group discussions with 10-15 high school students on topics ranging from black identity to financial responsibility, education, and leadership.
    • Co-organized the 2018 and 2019 BMIS summits.
  • 2017-2019
    Board Member
    Ritchie School Advisory Board
    • Engaged as a member on a panel of undergraduate and graduate students advising the faculty of the Daniel F. Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science on improvements to department curriculum.
  • 2016-2017
    Executive Board Member
    African Students United @ DU
    • Presented to students with African heritage on Ethiopian culture and cuisine as a part of a series of presentations on the African continent.